ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 11, 2020-- NCR Corporation (NYSE: NCR) reported financial results today for the three months ended December 31, 2019. Fourth quarter, full year and other recent highlights include:
“Our fourth quarter results marked a strong finish to the year for NCR where we consistently delivered our revenue and earnings commitments,” said Michael Hayford, President and Chief Executive Officer. “This past year we strengthened our recurring revenue capabilities through our strategic growth platforms, began integrating our payments processing solution and generated year-over-year sales growth in each of our segments. We entered 2020 with strong momentum to accelerate our transition to a software and services-led enterprise and an as-a-Service company. The entire NCR team is aligned behind “NCR as-a-Service” as we look to move closer to our customers and elevate our agility and response to market dynamics. We believe these next steps will further position NCR for sustainable long-term growth as we deliver increased value to customers and help them provide differentiated experiences across their stores, restaurants and self-service banking platforms.”
In this release, we use certain non-GAAP measures, including presenting certain measures on a constant currency basis. These non-GAAP measures include "free cash flow" and others with the words “non-GAAP," or "constant currency" in their titles. These non-GAAP measures are listed, described, and reconciled to their most directly comparable GAAP measures under the heading "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" later in this release.
NCRコーポレーション(NYSE :NCR)は、金融、リテール、ホスピタリティ、テレコム&テクノロジー業界におけるソフトウェアおよびサービス主体のエンタープライズ・プロバイダーです。NCRは米国ジョージア州アトランタに本社を置き、約34,000人の社員とともにグローバルにビジネスを展開しています。
※NCRは NCR Corporation の米国および他の各国における商標または登録商標です。
日本NCR株式会社 役員室 広報担当 佐々木 智子
Tel. 03-6759-6000/Fax. 03-3553-1059 E-mail : [email protected]
日本NCR広報窓口 共同ピーアール株式会社 児玉 千尋、竹村 良子
Tel. 03-3571-5176 /Fax.03-3571-5360 / E-mail: [email protected]